Top-modern equipment and highly qualified specialists
The department of Diagnostic Imaging offers sophisticated diagnostic methods and top-modern equipment.
Our radiology technologist are experienced. Radiologists analyse the images and elaborate the reports. Combining modern technology and qualified specialists guarantees high-quality and reliable findings.
For your safety, anaesthesists are on duty 24/7. Should you need anaesthesia due to claustrophobia or pain please let uns know when making your appointment.
Remote access to images and results
You can access your radiological images and results online at your convenience and pass on the link to your doctor. Apply for this service free of charge while you register for your exam providing your mobile phone number and e-mail address. As soon as the results are available we send you the access link which is valid for 90 days. Or you can access your data directly at “remote access to my findings“. For detailed instructions, please click here.
Alternatively, you can receive your images on CD-ROM directly after your exam or pick them up together with the written results 5 days after your exam personally. Please let us know what you prefer. For an extra charge of 20 € you can also receive printed images plus the CD-ROM.
Your results are available 5 working days after your examination. According to your choice you will receive the link for remote access or we send the results by post – without a charge.
For picking up your results personally, please bring a photo ID. Should you not be able to come yourself, another person can pick up your documents, provided a written power of attorney and a photo ID. The power of attorney must be requested and signed when you register for your exam.