Rheuma & Osteoporosis

Patient bei sportmediziinischer Begutachtung

Recognizing rheuma through detailed consultation.

This autoimmune disease often affects joints and muscles where its inflammatory processes cause joint pain and potentially leads to joint destruction. Other body regions can also be involved. There are more than 400 different rheumatic diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative joint disease or gout. In some cases, the whole body can be affected causing a range of symptoms such as head ache, vision problems, swollen lymph nodes or rash. For musculoskeletal pain or other unclear symptoms you should see a specialist in any case. A carefully guided medical  history interview is necessary for a precise diagnosis. The rheumatoid factor in blood alone is not significant enough, but just one indicator. At Rudolfinerhaus, competent rheumatologists are able to lead you through comprehensive diagnostics.

Early therapy is decisive for success.

Nowadays, well tolerated pharmacological treatments are available. With an early diagnosis, a successful therapy becomes more likely. We also offer additional support through physical medicine and nutrition counselling. In case of an acute rheumatic crisis, inpatient treatment offers immediate and specific interventions.

Rheuma is a multifaceted disease.

Rheuma can also affect other organs than just the joints. Involvement of heart or lung are possible. An effective basic therapy protects the joints and can help to reduce or even end the use of glucocorticoids, thus preventing secondary diseases such as diabetes type 2 or osteoporosis. At Rudolfinerhaus, we offer an interdisciplinary approach by a range of specialists.

Osteoporosis is a chronic bone disease which can also be caused by rheuma.

The disease often remains unrecognized but is rather frequent with women and men: One in three woman suffers from an osteoporotic bone fracture above the age of 50. Osteoporosis causes bones to become more porous and fragile which in turn can cause spontaneous fractures even from small accidents. In advanced stages, it causes chronic pain and reduces the ability to move. Naturally, with age bone density diminishes. However, some drugs favour this reduction: drugs against the excess of gastric acid or corticoids. Rheumatic inflammation also reduces bone density. Many other diseases can influence this reduction as well: diabetes type 2 or inflammatory bowel disease. Some effects of osteoporosis such as fractures of the vertebral bodies are often not identified as such. Therefore, interdisciplinary diagnosis is most important for an early detection of osteoporosis, reduce complications and minimize the risk of bone fractures. Bone density measurement is an important examination to determine these risks.

For the examination of the bone density the DEXA measurement is the gold standard. By using a low dosage of x-.rays, the radiolucency of the bones in the lumbar spine is examined. With these parameters, the equipment calculates the bone density and determines the risk of osteoporosis.

Preventive exercises are important to reduce risks of fracture. A specialized exercise program strengthens muscles and bones at any age. Nutrition contributes with important ingredients. Vitamine D is produced by our metabolism, but because of the lack of sunlight in winter, it should be supplemented. Additionally, medication can reduce bone loss or support bone formation.

At Rudolfinerhaus, specialist of many fields are available, Diagnostic Imaging is on our premises and offers bone density measurement. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation help to strengthen bones and joints. Thus we cover all aspects of diagnosis and therapy of osteoporosis.

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Rudolfinerhaus Privatklinik GmbH
Billrothstraße 78
1190 Vienna

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