Nuclear medicine

Arzt betrachtet Bilder aus der Niklearmedizin, Szintigraphie

At the Nuclear medicine department of Rudolfinerhaus we use the method of scintigraphy to investigate organs responsible for metabolism. The functions of the heart, lungs, brain, bones and kidneys can be visualised with great clarity. A risk-free radioactive substance is administered. As metabolic activity in diseased tissue is either faster or slower than it is in healthy tissue, the different levels of radiation demonstrate the function of the organs. Cancer can thus be visualised informatively and clearly.

Sentinel node scintigraphy for breast cancer

If needed, a sentinel node scintigraphy can be performed for hospitalised patients and outpatients. This investigation is used in case of evident breast cancer, prior to breast surgery; the purpose of the investigation is to determine whether the tumour has spread (lymph node metastases). The procedure involves radioactive labelling of those lymph nodes that first receive lymph from the body region affected by the tumour, and are therefore the first to be affected by lymph node metastases (so-called sentinel lymph nodes). These lymph nodes are removed in a targeted manner during an operation and then inspected histologically for tumour cells. As we have our own Histopathology Laboratory at Rudolfinerhaus, we are able to provide the reports promptly.

Thyroid diagnostic

We perform hormone investigations, ultrasound, and scintigraphy of the thyroid in order to diagnose and determine the appropriate treatment for diseases.

All of the investigations can be performed on an out-patient or in-patient basis.
The services must be paid by the patients; a number of health insurance companies and supplemental insurance companies offer various options of reimbursement. Direct billing at no charge is possible for those insured at BVA.


Head of the Department of Nuclear medicine
Univ.Doz. DDr. Gerold Porenta
Specialist in Internal medicine & Nuclear medicine

Diagnostic Investigations

Nuclear medicine investigations
Thyroid diagnosis (including laboratory tests, nuclear-medicine-based ultrasound, puncture)
scintigraphy (of the internal organs, breast, lymphatic system, heart, brain, bones)

Nuclear Medicine

+43 1 360 36-6321 Jetzt anrufen E-Mail schreiben


8 am – 2 pm


Rudolfinerhaus Privatklinik GmbH
Billrothstraße 78
1190 Vienna

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