Nutritional medicine – an important element of health and healing
Therapy based on nutritional medicine can exert a positive effect on disease by altering dietary habits. With many diseases, a diet based on nutritional medicine – usually serves as a supportive element of the overall therapy plan.
Individual nutrition counselling
It is important to take your individual preferences, your professional and family life into account, and incorporate these in the medical requirements of nutrition counselling. This is a prerequisite for long-term success. In cooperation with your treating physician, our dieticians design tailor-made nutritional concepts for you. In case of medical questions they will be advised by nutrition experts and metabolism specialists. We will be glad to advise you if you have any questions concerning nutrition, for instance in cases of
- Food intolerance & food allergies
- Cancer
- Diabetes (including individual diabetes training) and other metabolic diseases (disorders of lipid metabolism, hyperuricaemia, / gout, …)
- Rheumatic diseases & osteoporosis
- Nutrition during pregnancy and for mother & child
- Gastrointestinal complaints (reflux, gastritis, diverticulitis, coeliac disease …)
- Malnutrition & obesity surgery (expert evaluation, pre- and post-surgical care)
- Nutrition during pregnancy and afterwards for mother & child
- Weight reduction and boosting the immune system
We will be glad to serve you on an out-patient basis or after a hospital stay. You can book individual counselling sessions as well as counselling packages in a flexible way; the latter consist of several sessions at specific intervals. Long-term care will provide you greater support during the entire phase of your dietary change.
Our out-patient nutrition packages
How does nutrition counselling work?
The starting point of counselling is asking questions about your current dietary habits. For this purpose it would be meaningful to keep a food diary for a week or two. The results of this diary will complement the findings obtained from the physical examination and possibly the laboratory data after a blood test. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a simple and objective measurement of body composition and provides information about muscle, fat and water percentages. BIA can be performed as the starting investigation and during subsequent checks.
Nutrition packages
Individual Nutrition Package
Some of the services offered by our nutrition team during your hospital stay are the following:
- Nutritional therapies in accordance with current medical standards
& Information in accordance with current scientific standards - Individual nutrition counselling and training
- Written documents: Individual nutritional measures and booklets, recipes and instruction guides for various products, and much more.
Principal goals of nutritional therapy:
- Detecting potential nutrient deficiencies
- A diet that meets nutritional needs (individual enhancement of diet if necessary)
- Targeted dietary interventions, such as selecting the adequate type of diet
- Harmonising the digestive process by using tested measures
- Monitoring progress through bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) – exact determination of your muscle, fat and active body cell mass, your body water percentage & nutritional status
- Discussion of practical implementation in everyday life
After the hospital stay you may take individual counselling sessions and nutrition packages.
You can make the appointments personally with your dietician.
Long-term care will provide you support during the entire phase of your dietary change.
The cost of your dietary care during your hospital stay is covered by the majority of supplemental health insurance companies.
Wellness and Weight Reduction Package
Consisting of four individual counselling sessions. Indication-specific nutritional therapy training , for instance in cases of:
- Food intolerance
- Cancer
- Gastrointestinal symptoms (reflux, gastritis, diverticulitis, …)
- Metabolic diseases (such as diabetes, disorders of lipid metabolism, hyperuricaemia / gout, …)
- Rheumatic diseases & osteoporosis
- Obesity surgery (expert evaluation, pre- and post-surgical care) & malnutrition
- If needed, BIA measurement to evaluate body composition and
monitor progress
The nutrition package includes:
- Defining therapy goals together
- Joint development of new and sustainable eating habits, taking into account existing medical conditions
- Discussion of practical implementation in everyday life
Pre-Born Package (Nutrition during Pregnancy)
Three training consultations that accompany you through pregnancy
- Optimal nutrition and care of the unborn child
- Relevant weight gain and weight control for mothers
- Individual nutritional care in pregnancy
- Responding to accompanying symptoms and support for concomitant illnesses
(e.g. nausea, reflux, gestational diabetes, … ) - Preparing to breastfeed
You & Me Package (nutrition for mother & child, until the age of 1 year)
The right kind of food is the best prevention and the best way of protecting your child from diseases at a lager age. Three individual training sessions that ensure optimal care of your baby until the age of one year include the following.
- 1st session: Nutrition during the lactation period
- 2nd session: Complementary feeding
- 3rd session: Nutritional measures from the age of 1 year onward,
- BIA measurement of the mother if needed
- Nutrition-related symptoms in the mother and the child
Prices valid from 1.1.2025 onward. Subject to change.
If you have questions concerning the contents of nutrition counselling, please feel free to contact our
Team of Dieticians, Monday–Friday 7:30–15:00 hours
T +43 1 360 36-6249,
For making appointments please contact the Private Outpatient Department.