Gynaecology & Obstetrics

At Rudolfinerhaus, renowned gynaecologists and obstetrics specialists devote their energies to your care with all their knowledge, empathy, and a great deal of time. Whether you have questions concerning contraception or menopause, or diseases and their treatment. A number of experienced experts are ready to serve you if you need a gynaecological or urogynaecological operation. We are also glad to perform regular screening investigations such as mammography, Pap smears, or genetic testing for cancer – we know that the chances of curing cancer are even higher than 80% when the disease is detected early. Our Breast Health Centre provides certainty for patients – just one week from the diagnosis to the treatment.
Obstetrics has a tradition of more than 100 years at Rudolfinerhaus. Our obstetric ward offers medical care in accordance with the most recent technical standards, and a familiar, secure atmosphere thanks to its modern and homely ambience.

Diagnostic Investigations

Diagnostic imaging
Every type of radiological examination
Mammography (in case of unusual findings, a biopsy sample can be taken directly)
Ultrasound, X-ray, MRI & CT, bone densitometry

Endoscopic diagnostic investigation

Rapid reporting of cytological and histological investigations,
reports of biopsies in 2–3 days
Frozen-section diagnosis even during the operation
Immunohistochemical investigations

Endocrinological examinations
of sex hormones and metabolism in women with gestational diabetes
(Metabolic & Hormone Centre)

Nuclear medicine investigations
Scintigraphy (of the internal organs, breast, lymphatic system, heart, brain, bones)

Predictive genetic testing
Exact family history, determination of genetic predisposition
for breast or ovarian cancer
if necessary DNA genetic testing (BRCA 1, BRCA 2)

Examinations within the parent-child protection programme
Gynaecological examinations, laboratory tests, ultrasound
(momentarily we do not offer nuchal fold scan or screening of internal organs)

On-site Lab (results in 1–2 hours)
Including glucose tolerance test and hormone analysis

Therapies & Treatments

Gynaecological treatment
Conservative treatments such as drug-based therapy
Hormone therapy
HPV vaccination

Surgical treatment
All gynaecological and urogynaecological operations
Breast surgery and plastic & reconstructive surgery

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy, manual lymph drainage, etc.
Out-patient rehabilitation, physiotherapy after chemotherapy

Oncological treatment
Out-patient and in-patient chemotherapy, immunotherapy
Oncological care (breast care nurse)

Nutritional therapy
Individual and specific nutrition counselling and training by dieticians
e.g. nutrition in cancer

Psychological guidance
Psychological counselling and care

Our obstetrics team cares for you personally during your pregnancy, at childbirth and afterwards in the family atmosphere of our obstetrics ward.


Mammography from 40 - because early detection saves lives. With the new center for breast health, the Rudolfinerhaus offers everything under one roof - from diagnosis to therapy in just one week.


Private Outpatient Clinic

+43 1 360 36-4100 Call now Send E-Mail


Rudolfinerhaus Privatklinik GmbH
Billrothstraße 78
1190 Vienna

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