Rudolfinerhaus Privatklinik GmbH
Billrothstraße 78
1190 Vienna

Wear of intervertebral discs, herniated discs and narrowing of the spinal canal are the most common causes of pain of the spine.
These diseases cause dragging pain in the affected area which can radiate into one or two legs. In advanced stages, they can lead to paralyzed toes, feet or leg muscles.
The primary diagnostic method is a MRI examination of the spine in order to localize the herniated disc or narrowing of the spine and determine its size.
According to extension, size and position of the pathological alteration, the duration of the pain can be estimated and the method of conservative therapy can be defined.
Often, a short inpatient treatment with intense infusions, CT-targeted infiltration and physiotherapy leads to quick recovery without surgery.
Long-lasting pain or paralysis can be treated easily by minimally invasive surgery which normally involve short inpatient stays and subsequently, quick mobilisation.