Rudolfinerhaus Privatklinik GmbH
Billrothstraße 78
1190 Vienna
The team for Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation attends you not only during your inpatient stay at Rudolfinerhaus. Our wide range of services is at your disposal for outpatient treatments as well.
We help you with:
- Problems of the musculoskeletal system and the spine
- Improvement of muscle strength and endurance
- Assistance in neurological movement disorders
- Rheumatic diseases
- Outpatient rehabilitation
- Preparation for surgery
- Recovery gymnastics after childbirth
- Pelvic floor exercising
- Medical training therapy & relearning of pain-free movement patterns
- osteoporosis prophylaxis & fall prevention
We offer modern and proven methods joining movement therapy, manual therapy, treatment in accordance with the fascial distortion model, massage, electrotherapy & wraps.
In case of acute problems, specialists’ evaluations and therapies are available at short notice.
Head of the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Roland Peceny, MD
Specialist in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Expert Evaluation from a specialist
All therapies are provided on medical prescription and under the supervision of a medical specialist.
Massage 25 minutes
Massage 45 minutes
Special massages (acupuncture massage, foot reflex zone massage, Marnitz therapy, tuina massage, myofascial release)
Lymphatic drainage 25 minutes
Lymphatic drainage 45 minutes
Physiotherapy 25 minutes
Physiotherapy 45 minutes
Preparing for childbirth and labour (individual training) 25 minutes
Recovery gymnastics (individual training) 25 minutes
Thermal therapy
Parafango treatment kit
Paraffin bath
Red light therapy
Medium-frequency electrotherapy (IF, STE)
Low-frequency therapy (IG, FM, threshold current, TENS, EXPO, GALV)
Magnetic field mat
Training in electrotherapy
CO2 bath
Functional magnetic field stimulation
Functional magnetic field stimulation for the musculoskeletal system
Magnetic field chair for pelvic floor training or body shaping (individual therapy, 10 units, 20 units)